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Mass Spectrometers
The School of Biosciences hosts a large variety of state-of-the-art mass spectrometers.
The most predominantly used being the Orbitrap Ascend, Orbitrap Eclipse, Q-Exactive HF, QExactive, Synapt G2S, and Henry the HDX.
Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid
Mass Spectrometer
(equipped with high m/z range, UVPD, ETD, CID, HCD and PTCR)
Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid
Mass Spectrometer
(equipped with ETD, HCD, CID, PTCR and FAIMS)
Q Exactive HF
Mass Spectrometer
(modified for protein analysis)
Home-built Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange-
Mass Spectrometer set-up called Henry
Ultimate 3000
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
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